A Minor in Creative American Music may be added to any undergraduate major at the Frost School of Music. An audition is required. The CAM minor requires 17 credit hours. Depending on the major and the number of elective courses therein, the CAM Minor may or may not add additional credits hours to the degree requirements. The courses in the CAM Minor are:
- MCY 221 & MMI 207 Anglo-American Song Traditions & Skills Lab III: American Song Traditions I (4 cr.)
- MCY 222 & MMI 208 African-American Song Traditions & Skills Lab IV: American Song Traditions II (4 cr.)
- MCY 311 Modern American Pop Music (3 cr.)
- MMI 307 Skills Lab V: American Pop (1 cr.)
- MMI 308 Skills Lab VI: American Pop (1 cr.)
- MMI 320 Contemporary Lyric Writing (3 cr.)
- MMI 445 Senior Project/Portfolio (1 cr.)
- Total Credit Hours - 17