Creative American Music Ensembles

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The American Music Ensemble (AME)

Original music by our top performers and songwriters.

The American Modern Band (AMB)

Original music by our emerging, highly-talented performers and songwriters.

Man playing the guitar behind a microphone on stage

The Anglo Roots Ensemble (FolkU)

This ensemble features original music modeled after Anglo-American roots music including Appalachian, old-time, and bluegrass.

Woman in a black dress singing behind a microphone while playing the piano

The African-American Roots Ensemble (Crossroads)

This ensemble features original music modeled after African-American roots music including spirituals, gospel, and blues.

The Vintage Pop Ensemble

This ensemble features original music modeled after popular American music of the 1950’s through the 1970’s.
Woman with a wireless microphone speaks during an event

The Modern Pop Ensemble

This ensemble features original music modeled after popular American music of the 1980’s through the present.

A laptop and drum machine in use

The Frost Electronica Ensemble (FrostEE)

This laptop/alternate controller-based ensemble pursues new and innovative ways to create dynamic, original electronic music performances.

Two men with drum machines perform on stage during an event

The Frost EDM Ensemble

Original electronic dance-oriented music.

The Contemporary Recording Ensemble

This ensemble focuses on recording original music and scores of many different genres in a professional recording studio setting.

Woman with blonde hair and black dress sings into a microphone on stage

The Contemporary Keyboard Ensemble (Black n' White)

Original synth/keyboard oriented music.

Group performs live on stage featuring man with keyboard front and center

The Contemporary Rock Ensemble (LandFall)

Original rock-oriented music.
Man with a acoustic guitar performs at an event while another man in the background looks on

The Contemporary Country Ensemble (Sunshine State)

Original modern country-oriented music.

Dark haired woman singing into a microphone

The Contemporary A-Capella Ensemble

Original, vocal-only contemporary songs and arrangements.

The Contemporary Ensemble Workshop (D.I.Y Ensembles)

This ensemble course offers Frost students the opportunity to develop their own individual and unique ensemble experience. 
